Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone – Moving to Alaska

by | Mar 31, 2021 | Alaska Living | 0 comments

11 years ago I decided to do the unthinkable by stepping out of my comfort zone and moving my family to Alaska

If you’ve ever done a move like this then you’ll know…it is PRIIIIICEY!! 

Our move to Alaska demanded about $25k+, which was a huge hit in the wallet to us at that time. 

My husband’s employer put us up in a hotel while we were house hunting.

We found a house that we loved, but couldn’t afford; so we wrote an offer to lease it and the owner accepted.

We lived out the truth that: 

You can ask ANYONE for ANYTHING provided YOU don’t buy into your thinking about what it would mean if they said no.

We were already loving Alaska, but truth be told, we were struggling financially, BIG TIME! We stepped out of our comfort zone to move to Alaska and it became our new residence.

I distinctly remember having a fun day as a family in Anchorage shortly after we arrived in Alaska and to top off the fun day Ben decided we should all go to Baskin Robbins for ice cream.

I panicked and immediately got angry. He could tell I was mad but didn’t understand why. I abruptly instructed him to park out a ways from the entrance of the store. Because he knew what was good for him (obliging me) he did so. Everyone piled out of the Excursion except me.

You see, I needed them to have to walk a little distance to the store because I needed time to call the bank to attempt to “rob Peter to pay Paul” so that my family could enjoy an ice cream cone.

Ever been there before?

No joke. Here I was a successful doctor and I was struggling to figure out how to buy my family ice cream.

Guess what, I decided that was NOT how my future was going to look. I knew what I had to do. 

I stopped feeling sorry for myself and committed to ALL-IN, MASSIVE ACTION and never looked back.  The rest is what you have been reading about for the past four years.

My financial today and future is extremely strong and yours can be, too, REGARDLESS of where you’re starting from. 

When you commit to looking for ways to consistently contribute and make a lasting impact by stepping out of your comfort zone and being ALL IN, your financial well being will follow suit.

Hey Doc-the minutes that are your future will tick by no matter what…

…Make. Them. Count!

Be steadfast in:

  • your commitment to master the art of making a difference/impact
  • investing in yourself
  • studying the principles of MIND THOT CONSCIOUSNESS

Is today your DAY one? Will you step out of your comfort zone, grab my hand and simply grab a spot on my calendar so that we can chat?

Grab your discovery call RIGHT NOW!

I’ll talk to you soon!