What To Do If Your Business Is At Waiting List Capacity

by | Mar 26, 2021 | Grow Your Business | 0 comments

Here’s what to do if your business is at waiting list capacity.

There are seven things that I recommend that you do if you’re like a lot of boot campers and your practice is at waiting list capacity.

  1. Celebrate the fruit of your labor!
  2. Clinical CA is a must!
  3. Zoom Consults
  4. Office Lay Out Efficiency
  5. Raise Your Fees
  6. Hire an associate or two
  7. Look for a local chiro to bring on as an IC

I break these down here and below.

Number one, celebrate.

Celebrate the fruit of your labor. How many chiropractors or even business owners do you know who have a service-based practice or business and they’re at waiting lists? FIRST, celebrate yourself. Great job, I’m super proud of you.

Number two is, hire a clinical CA.

Your clinical CA is somebody who travels around with you in the office and becomes basically like your right-hand person. They’re taking notes for you. When you have a referral conversation, they’re running up and getting the referral gift packet. They are helping someone on and off the table so that you can move on to your very next practice member.

Your clinical CA will keep you on track and on schedule. They’re extending conversations for you.

They’re basically doing all the actions that you know need to happen for this individual to make it an extraordinary visit that they’ll carry forth in their follow-through while you go on and serve the next person.

 A clinical CA also does your re-exams, your scans, your films, all of those things so that you can keep moving with consultation, report of findings, financial consultation, adjusting, and re-exams.

Number three, you can also start moving your consultations to Zoom.

So what would happen there is someone schedules their first visit?

they complete all of their paperwork and then do their consultation on Zoom. When they’re finally ready to come into your office for the very first time, they’re having their exam because you’ve already done the consultation. This can really speeds things up. You can see individuals on a lunch hour or later in the afternoon or on a day that you’re not in the office. Therefore, your time in the office is for your adjusting exams and report of findings.

Number four, make sure your office layout is efficient.

I had interior doors in, so I had all of my adjusting rooms and then there were interior doors that connected them so that I didn’t have to go out in the hallway and get stopped up but made it that I could just go from room to room all on the inside. I was the only one that used those doors.

It’s important that I had fewer steps than my practice members because you’re only in the office once a day, I’m there all day.

Ask yourself this… “Is there any kind of piece of equipment or whatever in my office that isn’t making me money?

If so, get rid of it. Put it on Marketplace and sell it. Put something in its place that will make you money whether it’s a chair for a hot seat, or maybe it’s another desk that somebody else can work at.

I highly suggest you make sure that your office is laid out efficiently.

Number five, raise your fees.

If you’re at capacity, that says that you’re in high demand. If you’re wondering… NO, you don’t have to have a big post about it or anything.

Just let people know, “Hey, these will be our new fees as of this date, as of April 1st, as of May 1st,” and individuals who aren’t able to afford your fees, then you can find another chiropractor for them.

Number six, hire an associate or two.

There are lots of opportunities for individuals. I think partnership is awesome – to bring somebody on as an associate. Give them the experience, make it so that your practice is open six days a week, or that it’s open 7:00 to 7:00 and you’re not the one covering all of those hours.

When you bring on an associate, care for them well. Care for them how you would want to be cared for if you were an associate.

If you want more help with that, just let me know.

Number seven, bring on an IC.

Llook for a local chiropractor who maybe doesn’t want to be in their own space and you guys can share a space, have them be an independent contractor.

Those who when you raised your fee couldn’t afford you, could maybe slide in and be a member of their practice under their name.

You can totally share a roof and carpet and walls and air conditioning and heating and all of those things and not even have the same philosophy. You’re just simply sharing space.

So again, just to recap the seven things… here’s what to do if your business is at waiting list capacity.

  1. Celebrate the fruit of your labor!
  2. Clinical CA is a must!
  3. Zoom Consults
  4. Office Lay Out Efficiency
  5. Raise Your Fees
  6. Hire an associate or two
  7. Look for a local chiro to bring on as an IC

If you need help with this, grab your discovery call.

Create more freedom in your practice!

I hope this helps!