Marketing Secret For Chiropractors

by | Jan 29, 2021 | Marketing | 0 comments

If know me, you KNOW my top marketing secret for chiropractors is encouraging them to go LIVE on Facebook. That’s where I often share tons of marketing secrets & quick tips

Please know that your marketing needs to focus on going DEEPER, not necessarily wider.

ie: with social media-it’s not about MORE posts, it’s about developing relationships with those who are already interacting with you.

Education- it’s about consistently and repeatedly sharing the message that causes your PMs to stay, pay, and refer. The first law of learning is repetition.

No matter what happens on social media, the greatest value you can add to your chiropractic practice is the real life… you know, the one on one connections you create with your practice members.

Once they are in the door, under your amazing care and seeing results, they are primed to be your greatest fans and referral sources.

Now, it’s time to WOW those raving fans with your preparation! 

First, imagine this… Your practice members (the ones who):

  • teach in the school district your kids attend
  • who also serve YOU at local businesses
  • the ones who follow you on social media

Imagine they show up to your office and are met with:

  • a school supply drive you are hosting
  • a personalized gifts with your office information
  • custom gift certificate from another local businesses for them to share (because we all LOVE to shop local)

Ummm hello, first… they are going to talk!! They are going to share. 

They are going to refer and refer and refer! 

These are the just some of the few stellar marketing secrets for chiropractors which we share in our Boot Camp circle.

We share them, because we know they work.

We share them with because you’re part of our TRIBE and we believe in no chiropractor being left behind.

If joining the Chiro Boot Camp sounds like something you can get down with, let’s jump on a call.