Anxiety & The Quarantine Life

by | May 8, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Is the Coronavirus outbreak making you anxious?

I get it, it’s a frightening time. We’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, with cities and even entire countries shutting down. Most people are watching the headlines and wondering, “What is going to happen

Even before COVID19 swept our world, stress was at an all time high. Anxiety levels have sky-rocketed making this helpful tool incredibly impactful for those who read it and are so moved to share it.

Here are the top 15 ways that YOU can reduce, and/or erase, excess anxiety from your life.

  1. Certainty
  2. Stay informed – but don’t obsessively check the news.
  3. Stick to trustworthy sources
  4. Limit screen time
  5. Lead V Follow
  6. Ask someone reliable to share important updates
  7. Focus on the things you can control
  8. Isolation
  9. When the “What-ifs” drowned you
  10. Be the leader and inspiration
  11. Don’t let COVID be your primary conversation
  12. Guard yourself from the nay-sayers and fear mongers
  13. Be a consistent user of the well-known stress dissolving strategies that existed even before COVID
  14. Avoid self-medicating
  15. Scripture

You can grab the downloadable version here – were I go into detail with each topic.

If you missed the webinar… catch the replay here!

Have some additional favorite ways that should be added to this list?

Comment down below.