Should It Be A Meeting?

Did you know most office workers spend at least 45% of their week in meetings? That means on average, we spend more than 3 months per year in meetings Are you willing to spend 30 seconds to reduce that number? Well here is an an easy to use Flow Chart to help you in...
Handcuffs and Arrests

Handcuffs and Arrests

I sure feel LUCKY in life and I don’t even believe in LUCK. It’s like Grant Cardone says, “The harder I work…the luckier I get.” How true that is. Working hard and smart yields AMAZING results! Agree? Our chiropractic forefathers and...


So, I want to get personal with you for a minute. Why? Because I truly care about you and the lives that you are currently caring for and the ones who have been forgotten and/or who have not met you yet. Doc, today is the day to get really clear about your future....