International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day. What if we celebrated the diversity of women like we celebrate and insist upon the diversity across all other areas of our lives? YOU, with all of your glorious attributes and short-comings, YOU are uniquely special and highly...
Why It’s Time to Ask For Help

Why It’s Time to Ask For Help

So listen, over my decades of coaching, I have seen a few patterns that ring true for most all of us. One is that, if you are a working Mom, you have no doubt dealt with guilt from that at some point, or may still be wrestling with it. Another is that if you are a...
Mindset Upgrade

Mindset Upgrade

If you’re like me then potentially damaging stories pop into your mind on a regular basis. I developed a strategy that works 100% of the time…when I use it. ; ) I bathe my mind non-stop with empowering audio files from the boot camp trainings, podcasts or audio...
3 Top-Notch Productivity Hacks

3 Top-Notch Productivity Hacks

We all struggle with how to get more done in a day.  A lot of us seem to have it in our minds that we just have to power-through and get it done, and when we don’t we feel guilty.  That is why I took the time to write just a few critical tips in taking your...
Mindset Mindset Mindset

Mindset Mindset Mindset

As chiropractors, we talk a lot about living to our optimum potential. We talk about how chiropractic care, reducing stress, eating well, and exercising can create the best environment for us to THRIVE in and to achieve our optimum potential. But what about our own...